Run for the hills! I came for gel nails and deluxe pedicure..I left with with neither. My nail tech almost refused to clip my cuticles during my pedi and gave a lackluster massage. Puzzled, I asked what was so deluxe about this pedi and she said the callous removal .__. During my gel nails I had to repeatedly tell her that she was giving me acrylics when I wanted gels..she then says "I know what you ask for and I give it if you wait to see" fair enough I countered, with the spoken resolution not to pay for the service if it was not what I asked for..sure enough she tried to pass off the acrylics as gels! When I called her on it she told me it was a new way to go gel nails (I saw her place the acrylic powder on my nails, they are not clear nor were they cured under uv light) As I gathered my belongings in a hurry, angry over her blatant trickery, she tries to charge me $54, when the sign said $15 off the both services. I bought this to her attention and she said the sign was from Xmas!! I said "It's written on both sides and is displayed" she tells me they are getting rid of the sign and that special had passed. I told her I had no intention of swindling her but I was neither a fool..with that I paid her $30 (deducting $9 for the acrylic "gels") left my address and phone number in case she called the cops and left! I will not return!!!